
Pêche des carnassiers en Alsace
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7 participants

Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2018
Age : 31

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 14:52

My name is Matthew, im 24 years old. I bought the fishing card on this year (urne). I live in Germany near Kehl, but im come from Poland. I decided come back to fishing, after 7years  because life in exile is sooo boring, I'm still looking for some good fishing places but no with the best effects ("pole fishing", spinning"), maybe French fish just dont speak polish Very Happy . Maybe you can give me some advices where to go.
Nice to meet you all!
Regards, Matthew.

ps. I bought a fishing card also for my girlfriend and I'm trying to make she like it Very Happy Very Happy but also with bad effects:D  
Hello! Moonak10
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Messages : 4292
Date d'inscription : 22/07/2011
Age : 57
Localisation : Strasbourg

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 15:20

Welcome Matthew cheers .

It's quite difficult to answer to your question because there are many places to fish in Alsace (river, gravel pit, pond ...).

To help you at best, which fishing do you like to practice ?

Best regards


Dernière édition par rorschollen le Lun 27 Aoû 2018 - 15:28, édité 2 fois
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Messages : 8573
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2009
Age : 53
Localisation : Alsace occidentale

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 15:22

Hello! 2164446631 Maciej Smile

Nie piszę po polsku ale tutaj jesteśmy kilkoma fanami wędkarzy, kranów i innych polskich produktów jakościowych Wink

Well, sorry for my miserable googletranslating-polish, I was pretending to talk about some polish fishing brands as Salmo or Taps clown
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2018
Age : 31

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 15:52

rorschollen a écrit:
Welcome Matthew cheers .

It's quite difficult to answer to your question because there are many places to fish in Alsace (river, gravel pit, pond ...).

To help you at best, which fishing do you like to practice ?

Best regards

Hello Lulu!

I would like to "spinn" and "pole fishing" thank You for your answer.

Hi Schlemiel!
I think google translate can't handle Polish ;D
Salmo are great, good to hear it You like it.
I have many Salmo wobblers but still no fish i cant find the right place ;/ (I love hornets I love you )

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Messages : 8573
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2009
Age : 53
Localisation : Alsace occidentale

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 18:10

Yes, I love Salmo (Minnow sinking especially) and another one called TAPS wich makes great lures for asp (bolen) as the Ukleja Smile

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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2018
Age : 31

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 18:25

Schlemiel a écrit:
Yes, I love Salmo (Minnow sinking especially) and another one called TAPS wich makes great lures for asp (bolen) as the Ukleja Smile

I heard about TAPS but never tryied it. I was trying to find some ASP but like i wrote before no effects Crying or Very sad
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Messages : 9036
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2010
Localisation : 48°28'0.45 N 7°45'27.04 E

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyLun 27 Aoû 2018 - 21:18

Welcome here Matthew Smile
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Messages : 4292
Date d'inscription : 22/07/2011
Age : 57
Localisation : Strasbourg

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2018 - 8:57

To practice "pole fishing", the old rhine, gravel pits or the chanels are the best spots.

For lure fishing, all rivers and spots can be productive. Be careful to the areas in reserve. I advise you to go see the interactive map of rivers published by the fishing federation.
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Messages : 4611
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2011
Age : 44
Localisation : Eschau, au fil de l eau

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2018 - 14:23

cheers Welcome on board cheers

Vous, vous avez l'heure, moi j'ai le Temps...
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2018
Age : 31

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2018 - 20:00

Hello everyone!

rorschollen a écrit:
To practice "pole fishing", the old rhine, gravel pits or the chanels are the best spots.

For lure fishing, all rivers and spots can be productive. Be careful to the areas in reserve. I advise you to go see the interactive map of rivers published by the fishing federation.

Thank You for Your tips. I know this map, i chose some places with google earth but... no effects- for example cross of  Canal de décharge de l'Ill and Canal du Rhône au Rhin in Kraft, and Le Schollengiessen near restaurant Bord du Rhin ( I really wanted to fish on Ill but can't find the right place where i can get close to water.)
Can You tell me some places? ( where on old rhine,canals and which gravel pits- my AAPPMA Rhinau is not the best one ;/)
also anyone know's something Rothard Graviere, Brumath, Lac Achard?

One more time thank You all for Your answers!
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Messages : 2723
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2015

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyMar 28 Aoû 2018 - 21:21

Hello Matthew


Can You tell me some places?
Hello! 3845595518

Boy, I'm afraid you're in the wrong movie Laughing
It usually doesn"t work like this
I'd rather say it never works like this

You have had some cool answers but nobody will tell you where to put your feet and where to cast to catch your dream
Keep on visiting us and may be someone will come with you one day

A good fishing place is not like a good restaurant, no one will share the address
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Messages : 2816
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2010
Localisation : 68

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptyMer 29 Aoû 2018 - 9:29

Willkommen cheers
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2018
Age : 31

Hello! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! EmptySam 1 Sep 2018 - 21:05

pikediem a écrit:
Hello Matthew


Can You tell me some places?
Hello! 3845595518

Boy, I'm afraid you're in the wrong movie Laughing
It usually doesn"t work like this
I'd rather say it never works like this

You have had some cool answers but nobody will tell you where to put your feet and where to cast to catch your dream
Keep on visiting us and may be someone will come with you one day

A good fishing place is not like a good restaurant, no one will share the address
I think You understand me wrong, but yeah i wrote it a little bit not clear.
Good places means- cities..
I have no idea where the old rhine is for example..
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MessageSujet: Re: Hello!   Hello! Empty

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